Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Essential Oils Positively Affect the Immune System

Guest Post By Julie Manchester
The Merry-Go-Round of Disease

The role of a healthy immune system is to guard against disease, but a compromised immune system will likely give hints that it is not doing so well. Cues such as chronic inflammation, mucous build-up, skin lesions, and on-going fatigue all are signals that the immune system defenses are weakened.

Weakening these humoral and cell-mediated defenses, known largely as B and T cells, can result in the onset of disease. Once a body has acquired a disease, the capacity of the immune system to maintain wellness is reduced and thus a vicious merry-go-round is created.
Using Essential Oils for Immune Support

In these modern times, many are familiar with the stress-relieving qualities of essential oils as well as their antimicrobial properties. Such characteristics of essential oils are helpful in supporting a fully functional immune system; stress and microbes are known to weaken its army of defenses. Few are aware that essential oils can actually strengthen the capacity of the immune system directly to fight off foreign invaders.

Fighting off Disease

When we bang our leg, get a sliver in our hand or cross paths with infectious entities the immune system is recruited and responds with inflammation - a tool to heal damaged cells and tissue. This initial inflammatory response is vital to restoring the injured area, yet prolonged inflammation can lead to a number of debilitating and often painful diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer.

Research has established that essential oils have the ability to inhibit detrimental inflammatory processes that contribute to disease. Scientists are now investigating the actually mechanisms by which essential oils can enhance the immune system directly.

Melaleuca EO Helps Out

At the Laboratoire de Botanique in France (2006) researchers were able to identify that Melaleuca alternifolia was able to regulate the amount of inflammatory-causing secretions found in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).

In so doing, natural anti-inflammatory agents, known as cytokines, were still able to be created and thus able to boost the body's ability to protect and restore itself. This in itself is quite a finding, especially for individuals suffering from conditions associated with chronic inflammation.

Engulfing Pathogens with Niaouli

Once a pathogen gets into the cells, it is looking to replicate and destroy tissue, often resulting in painful infections. A branch of the immune system is designated to engulf cellular invaders and send lymphocytes (T cells) to destroy these foreign bodies.

At Jeonju University, Korea (2008), researchers found that niaouli essential oil (from an Australian evergreen) was able to enhance the effect of cell-mediated immunity (one of two major branches of the immune system). Researchers support clinical use of niaouli essential oil to control infectious diseases.

Ginger EO Controls Immune

The Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine in Italy (2008) found that Eucalyptus essential oil actually stimulates a component of the immune system known as macrophages. These immune cells are one of the primary defenses against pathogens invading our human cells.

Using in vivo (in rats) and in vitro trials, they were able to pinpoint that eucalyptus essential oil does indeed mimic our natural immune response. Researchers propose that such findings may drive develop of a new family of immune-regulatory drugs/treatments altogether. This could be quite helpful for those who have weakened immune systems due to contracted diseases and effects of chemotherapy.


In a perfect world where our planetary environment was well tended, our purpose was clear and community supported, and our foods were safe and saturated with nutrition, it is likely that few of us would suffer from disease and frequent sickness.

Yet, in these modern times of high stress, environmental hazards, individualism, and processed foods our immune systems are often compromised and in some cases malfunction. Recent research indicates that essential oils are able to boost the functions of the immune system as well as suppress certain components when misdirected. With such capabilities, essential oils seem indispensable and a gift to humanity.