Saturday, July 31, 2010

Magic Of Bathing

After a long, hard day, we can all use some Bath Magic. More than just making us clean, it can remove the chemical and emotional pollution of the outside world while it soothes and refreshes us. Sometimes, after a hard day, a nice long bath can make everything all right.

As with jazz, some like it hot, and some like it cool. Each kind of bath helps us in different ways. The discomforts of over exertion to the common cold are eased by a nice hot bath. Don't let your skin dry out, though. A squirt of baby oil or another oil of your choice, such as vitamin E, into the bath will protect your skin and leave it feeling smooth.

A cool bath is just what skin irritations need. A couple of tablespoons of baking soda added to the bath soothes a sunburn, poison oak, and other rashes. A hot humid day is made more tolerable with a lovely cool bath.

To prevent skin dryness, a moisturizer should be applied after the bath. Choose skin cream or lotion that compliments your skin type, as in dry, oily, or somewhere in between. Always check out the ingredients list. Long chemical names and artificial colors don't belong on your skin. Buy creams with ingredients you recognize, as natural as possible and cruelty free, which means not tested on animals.

Choose your soap and shampoo with the same thought in mind. Forget chemicals and animal products; go for the natural ingredients. When you shampoo, lather once with an amount that equals the size of a quarter in the palm of your hand. Keep rinsing until there is no more trace of shampoo. Truly clean hair bounces and shines and looks wonderful. Use quality body and hair products that clean gently and naturally and your skin and hair will reward you with beauty everyone will notice.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Massage Therapy

Modern world need modern techniques of relaxation. Clinically speaking nowadays hospitals and spa partners introduce the new innovation that's massage therapy. This reading will shed some light to the reads about therapeutic massage.

It was the Chinese who pioneered massage therapy. It was them who also introduced it in the modern times. The main function of this is to help ease the pain and it was a type of relaxation for them. Sometimes it is used by physicians as a healing process applied for some illnesses.

These are helpful information that may help you in understand the true concept behind therapeutic massage.

Massage Therapy is a modern technique to help improve various health problems and is used to calm the nerves down. It is also known as a healing power. In China 3,000 years pass our times, massage became an aborigin of culture to them. It was practiced as an element of their medical technique of curing the physical aspect of their wellbeing.

Because of the importance of massage therapy, it became a solution and ritual to those people who wants to stay healthy and relax. Often, nowadays even medical evaluation says that massage therapy is a solution to some patients, for example stroke victims and other victims of muscle depletion sickness. This is done as a daily routine to ensure people its benefits which this process is a good help on. It's no longer called "old method of medication." As the passing of time, it became popular and it is now favored by the public.

This process, in general, includes rubbing and manipulation on the affected areas or as a whole. It is usually applied to any part of the body as required to lessen the intensity of pain and cure tightness of muscles due to stress and tension of daily work.

The basic techniques of massage therapy:

Touching hard muscles, ligaments, soft tissues and even joints.

Exercising hard muscles in order to control tightening.

Used as touch therapy for babies and used to soften muscles

Soft touching

Kneading the muscles

Touching or soft thumping

Using electric tense

Spasm relaxation

Ultra sound machine with gel for deep penetration

Application used in other ways, composing of more than 250 forms of massage therapy. Therapists call these in several styles, like Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Touch Therapy,Somatic Acupressure, Sports Massage and Neuromuscular Massage. These are therapists who concentrate in one kind of massage.

In some hospitals massage varies in modalities depending on the damaged area of the body. Physical therapists schedule patients on how often the application of massage is to be done. It's a case-to-case basis until such time the patient fully recovers.

The items used by massage therapist varies from different kinds of clients. They should have the bed, table, powder, lotion or oil. But many of them use aroma therapy as stimulating massage oil.

Massage contributes a big factor to ones health. However it also depends on how well the physical application is being given to the client. Sporty people usually injures their feet while engaging on their game.

Some are due to various illnesses and others from physical stress. Some medical experts prefer to recommend massage therapy in replacement of oral medication. It contributes a big factor to society.

A lot of experienced therapists grows more and more. Present times conclude that it's meant only for relaxation. However it is also a great help to those who have illnesses and injury because it will lessen oral intake of pills. In some cases it is also being recommended as weight management program.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beat Anxiety With A Couple Simple Exercises

Many people have tried to find out how to beat anxiety naturally because they do not want to be put on medication. Most prescription medications for anxiety can become addictive. If you can beat anxiety naturally with no medications then you owe it to yourself to at least try it. There are several different things you can do to beat this thing.

One technique that can help is to learn how to control your breathing during a panic attack. Anxiety attacks tend to make you breathe too fast. If you can learn how to control your breathing while you are having an anxiety attack you may be able to focus on your breathing enough to help the attack pass.

Another great way to stop anxiety attacks is to exercise and burn away that extra stress. Stress can be the main trigger of anxiety attacks. If you know you are getting stressed out and you can feel an attack of anxiety coming then just go some where alone for a little while until it passes.

If this happens while you are at home just let your family know that you need to be alone and go take a walk. Walk to a park if there is one nearby or just walk around the block and try to clear your head and just relax.

You should also avoid caffeine; so that means you should switch to decaffeinated coffee in the mornings. Some people think they can not get their day started with out a cup of caffeinated coffee. If you are one of these people try taking a shower every morning. Showers wake you up just as well as a cup of coffee does.

If you are a mother and a wife you should schedule regular me time. That means on certain days at a certain time you are off limits to the kids and the husband. This will give you the time you need to regroup and distress. It does not matter what you do with that time as long as you do it alone.