Saturday, July 31, 2010

Magic Of Bathing

After a long, hard day, we can all use some Bath Magic. More than just making us clean, it can remove the chemical and emotional pollution of the outside world while it soothes and refreshes us. Sometimes, after a hard day, a nice long bath can make everything all right.

As with jazz, some like it hot, and some like it cool. Each kind of bath helps us in different ways. The discomforts of over exertion to the common cold are eased by a nice hot bath. Don't let your skin dry out, though. A squirt of baby oil or another oil of your choice, such as vitamin E, into the bath will protect your skin and leave it feeling smooth.

A cool bath is just what skin irritations need. A couple of tablespoons of baking soda added to the bath soothes a sunburn, poison oak, and other rashes. A hot humid day is made more tolerable with a lovely cool bath.

To prevent skin dryness, a moisturizer should be applied after the bath. Choose skin cream or lotion that compliments your skin type, as in dry, oily, or somewhere in between. Always check out the ingredients list. Long chemical names and artificial colors don't belong on your skin. Buy creams with ingredients you recognize, as natural as possible and cruelty free, which means not tested on animals.

Choose your soap and shampoo with the same thought in mind. Forget chemicals and animal products; go for the natural ingredients. When you shampoo, lather once with an amount that equals the size of a quarter in the palm of your hand. Keep rinsing until there is no more trace of shampoo. Truly clean hair bounces and shines and looks wonderful. Use quality body and hair products that clean gently and naturally and your skin and hair will reward you with beauty everyone will notice.
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